Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fun, Fascinating Facts

1. I’ve been invited to join the netball team in Ha’ano. I’m looking forward to it, but after every practice/game that I’ve watched, I’ve seen several people with bloody knees or twisted ankles.

2. I’m my own handyman: I set up my stove by myself – EVEN the gas attachment. I haven’t blown my house up or even singed off my eyebrows.

3. The 4 new PVCs from Pangai, 2 old PVCs from Pangai, a JICA (the Japanese version of the PC), and I are going to Uoleva for Christmas. It’s an uninhabited island nearby. There’s a resort on it, but no electricity or cell-phone service. For New Year’s, I’ve invited that group to Ha’ano.


  1. Merry Xmas Blair :)
    Have an awesome 2010

  2. Awww, no pipe-bomb from the stove. Well compliments to you.

  3. that's awsome hope you don't get hurt =D
